Slither has the capability to run a collection of vulnerability detectors and print visual information regarding contract details. Furthermore, you could also notice that Slither offers an API for easier scripting of custom analysis tasks. It is a powerful tool for helping developers identify vulnerabilities and improve their understanding of code. The following post offers you an introduction to Slither and its capabilities, along with a description of its working.
Copy pipx install slither-analyzer
pipx install solc-select
solc-select install 0.4.25
solc-select use 0.4.25
Copy 'solc --version' running
'solc reentrancy.sol --combined-json abi,ast,bin,bin-runtime,srcmap,srcmap-runtime,userdoc,devdoc,hashes,compact-format --allow-paths .,/home/kali/Desktop/solidity' running
Compilation warnings / errors on reentrancy.sol :
reentrancy.sol : 18 : 13 : Warning : "throw" is deprecated in favour of "revert()" , "require()" and "assert()" .
throw ;
reentrancy.sol : 29 : 13 : Warning : "throw" is deprecated in favour of "revert()" , "require()" and "assert()" .
throw ;
reentrancy.sol : 6 : 5 : Warning : No visibility specified. Defaulting to "public" .
function getBalance ( address u) constant returns ( uint ){
^ (Relevant source part starts here and spans across multiple lines).
reentrancy.sol : 10 : 5 : Warning : No visibility specified. Defaulting to "public" .
function addToBalance () payable {
^ (Relevant source part starts here and spans across multiple lines).
reentrancy.sol : 14 : 5 : Warning : No visibility specified. Defaulting to "public" .
function withdrawBalance (){
^ (Relevant source part starts here and spans across multiple lines).
reentrancy.sol : 23 : 5 : Warning : No visibility specified. Defaulting to "public" .
function withdrawBalance_fixed (){
^ (Relevant source part starts here and spans across multiple lines).
reentrancy.sol : 33 : 5 : Warning : No visibility specified. Defaulting to "public" .
function withdrawBalance_fixed_2 (){
^ (Relevant source part starts here and spans across multiple lines).
INFO : Detectors :
Reentrancy in Reentrance. withdrawBalance () (reentrancy.sol# 14 - 21 ) :
External calls :
- ! ( value (userBalance[msg.sender])()) (reentrancy.sol# 17 )
State variables written after the call (s) :
- userBalance[msg.sender] = 0 (reentrancy.sol# 20 )
Reentrance. userBalance (reentrancy.sol# 4 ) can be used in cross function reentrancies :
- Reentrance . addToBalance () ( reentrancy . sol # 10 - 12 )
- Reentrance . getBalance ( address ) ( reentrancy . sol # 6 - 8 )
- Reentrance . withdrawBalance () ( reentrancy . sol # 14 - 21 )
- Reentrance . withdrawBalance_fixed () ( reentrancy . sol # 23 - 31 )
- Reentrance . withdrawBalance_fixed_2 () ( reentrancy . sol # 33 - 40 )
Reference : https :// github . com / crytic / slither / wiki / Detector - Documentation # reentrancy - vulnerabilities
INFO : Detectors :
Deprecated standard detected THROW ( reentrancy . sol # 18 ):
- Usage of " throw " should be replaced with " revert ()"
Deprecated standard detected THROW ( reentrancy . sol # 29 ):
- Usage of " throw " should be replaced with " revert ()"
Reference : https :// github . com / crytic / slither / wiki / Detector - Documentation # deprecated - standards
INFO : Detectors :
Version constraint ^ 0 . 4 . 15 contains known severe issues ( https :// solidity . readthedocs . io / en / latest / bugs . html )
- DirtyBytesArrayToStorage
- KeccakCaching
- EmptyByteArrayCopy
- DynamicArrayCleanup
- ImplicitConstructorCallvalueCheck
- TupleAssignmentMultiStackSlotComponents
- MemoryArrayCreationOverflow
- privateCanBeOverridden
- SignedArrayStorageCopy
- UninitializedFunctionPointerInConstructor_0 . 4 . x
- IncorrectEventSignatureInLibraries_0 . 4 . x
- ExpExponentCleanup
- NestedArrayFunctionCallDecoder
- ZeroFunctionSelector .
It is used by :
- ^ 0 . 4 . 15 ( reentrancy . sol # 1 )
solc - 0 . 4 . 25 is an outdated solc version . Use a more recent version ( at least 0 . 8 . 0 ) , if possible .
Reference : https :// github . com / crytic / slither / wiki / Detector - Documentation # incorrect - versions - of - solidity
INFO : Detectors :
Low level call in Reentrance . withdrawBalance () ( reentrancy . sol # 14 - 21 ):
- ! (msg.sender. call . value ( userBalance [msg.sender])()) ( reentrancy . sol # 17 )
Low level call in Reentrance . withdrawBalance_fixed () ( reentrancy . sol # 23 - 31 ):
- ! (msg.sender. call . value ( amount )()) ( reentrancy . sol # 28 )
Reference : https :// github . com / crytic / slither / wiki / Detector - Documentation # low - level - calls
INFO : Detectors :
Function Reentrance . withdrawBalance_fixed () ( reentrancy . sol # 23 - 31 ) is not in mixedCase
Function Reentrance . withdrawBalance_fixed_2 () ( reentrancy . sol # 33 - 40 ) is not in mixedCase
Reference : https :// github . com / crytic / slither / wiki / Detector - Documentation # conformance - to - solidity - naming - conventions
INFO : Detectors :
Reentrancy in Reentrance . withdrawBalance_fixed_2 () ( reentrancy . sol # 33 - 40 ):
External calls :
- msg.sender. transfer ( userBalance [msg.sender]) ( reentrancy . sol # 38 )
State variables written after the call ( s ):
- userBalance [msg.sender] = 0 ( reentrancy . sol # 39 )
Reference : https :// github . com / crytic / slither / wiki / Detector - Documentation # reentrancy - vulnerabilities - 4
INFO : Slither : reentrancy . sol analyzed ( 1 contracts with 93 detectors ) , 10 result ( s ) found