

  • Snow: For hiding and extracting hidden data from a text file.

  • Openstego: For hiding and extracting hidden data from an image file

  • Covert TCP: For hiding data in TCP/IP packet headers

Snow Tool

Hide a message

snow.exe -C -m "Hidden message" -p "password" Secret.txt <outputfile.txt>

Extract a message

snow.exe -C -p "password" <Filename.txt>

Openstego Tool

Hide Data

  • Click Hide Data

  • Select a file

  • Select a cover file

  • Give a output file name

  • Click on Hide Data button

Extract Data

  • Click on Extract Data

  • Select the image

  • Select the output file

  • Click on Extract Data

Covert TCP

Covert TCP help us to hide the data that is being sent over the network by manipulating the TCP/IP header.

We send the data in the left out spaces present in the header 1 Byte at a time.

Sender Machine

./covert_tcp -source <ip address of sender> -dest <ip address of receiver> -source_port <origin port number> -dest <reciever port number> -file <file name> 

Receiver Machine

./covert_tcp -source <ip address of sender> -source_port <sender destination port number> -server -file <file name>

Last updated