Perform SQL Injection Attacks
SQL Injection Attack On MSSQL Database
Use an SQL injection query to perform SQL injection attacks on the website www.goodshopping.com. Create a new user in the database with the credentials Martin/qwerty123. Enter the SQL injection query to create the above user in the MSSQL database. (Note: After clicking on the submit button, reload the page and open the same session to check if the answer is correct or not.)
Create a new database in the MSSQL database with the name MySQLDatabase by using an SQL injection query. Enter the SQL injection query to create the above database. (Note: After clicking on the submit button, reload the page and open the same session to check if the answer is correct or not.)
Extract MSSQL Databses using sqlmap
Use the sqlmap tool to perform an SQL injection attack on the website www.moviescope.com to extract databases from the MSSQL database. Attempt to retrieve the table content of the column User_Login. Enter the password for the username steve.
Retrieve the website cookie
Right click on the webpage In the Developer Tools click on Console Type: document.cookie Copy the cookie value
Get the Databases
Get Database Tables
Dump Table data
Get OS Shell
Detect SQL Injection Vulnerabilities
Detect SQL Injection Vulnerabilities using DSSS
Use the DSSS tool to detect SQL injection vulnerabilities in a web application (www.moviescope.com). Which type of SQL injection attacks is the website www.moviescope.com vulnerable to?
Blind SQL Injection
Copy the vulnerable URL and open in the browser
Detect SQL Injection Vulnerability using OWASP ZAP
Use OWASP ZAP to test a web application (www.moviescope.com) for SQL injection vulnerabilities. Enter the CWE ID of the SQL injection vulnerability found in www.moviescope.com.
Use OWASP ZAP to test a web application (www.moviescope.com) for SQL injection vulnerabilities. Enter the WASC ID of the SQL injection vulnerability found in www.moviescope.com.
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