ℹ️Introduction to Identities

Active Directory's role in security

Components of an IAM System

  • Directory

  • Directory Management Tool

  • Access Control

  • Privilege Management

  • Audit and Reporting

Forms of Identity Subsystems


  • /etc/shadow

  • /etc/passwd


  • Security Access Manager

Identity Management

  • Linux-based OpenLDAP

  • Windows-based Active Directory

  • Third party solutions: Shibboleth, Okta, etc.

  • Logical structure in the organization

  • Physical mapping across site

Management Tools

Active Directory

  • Remote Server Administration Tool

  • Powershell

LDAP Service (Active Directory/Linux)

  • LDAPAdmin

  • Jxplorer


  • UserID and password

  • Passwords stored as hashes

  • Complex passwords - failed solution

  • Multifactor authentication

Active Directory Auditing

  • Collect data from the directory

  • Analyze it to determine directory health

  • Ensure the directory is secure

  • Ensure it supports the IT mission

The LDAP Protocol

  • Lightweight Directory Access Protocol

  • Repository for organizational entity information

  • Uses port 389 for LDAP and 636 for port LDAPS

LDAP System

  • Distributed servers

  • Coordinated response to requests

Interact with LDAP at the command line

nmap -p 389 <IP address> --script ldap-search
ldapsearch -x -b "dc=cybex,dc=nz" -H ldap://<IP address>

Connect to the LDAP server using SSH

ssh <username>@<IP address> 

Dump database contents

sudo slapcat 

Decode the Password

echo -n "<encoded password>" | base64 --decode

The LDAPAdmin Tool

Active Directory Domain Services

  • Directory

  • Schema

  • Catalog

  • Group Policy Objects

  • Replication service

  • Security for identity and access control

Active Directory Hierarchy

dmitry yahoo.com

Domain Controller View

Trust Relationships

Interact with Active Directory at the command line

nmap -p 389 <IP address> --script ldap.search --script-args="script.username=<domain\username>,ldap.password=<password>,qfilter=users" -Pn

Access LDAP services with a GUI client

Install Jxplorer

sudo apt install jxplorer

Run Jxplorer GUI


Active Directory Security Audit

Run The Tool

cmd> lepide
  • Enter Domain Name or IP address

  • Enter the admin username

  • Enter password

  • Click Scan Now button

Last updated